Topband: Inverted L or no Inverted L

Dave Heil k8mn at
Fri Sep 7 20:44:33 EDT 2007

allan1 wrote:
> I am considering putting up an inverted L, but the XYL won't let me put in the radials.  Is there something else I should put up instead?  I assume that the inverted L will not work without radials!
> Insight would be appreciated
> Thanks
> Allan W2TN 


You'll need the radials.  *First, let's deal with the phrase "won't let 
me".  If you've not given your wife total power of attorney over 
yourself, proceed to the material below:

Examine the deed to your property.  If your name appears on it along 
with the name of your wife, put the radials in.  If you can't slit the 
earth and install them, make some wire hairpins and they'll soon 
disappear as the grass grows over them.

*None of the advice I've provided is to be taken seriously.  It is all 
intended to be a tongue-in-cheek attempt at humor.  Following any of the 
advice I've provided is likely to result in great harm to you.


Dave Heil K8MN

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