Topband: P29 - H40

Bernie McClenny, W3UR bernie at
Fri Sep 28 10:51:00 EDT 2007

The last two mornings (here) P29VCX has had good signals into the Eastern
half of the US on 80 meters.  Yesterday they were 579 peaking S9 45 minutes
after my local sunrise.  I was on my way out the door so was unable to call
them.  Today they started out on 3504 around 0953Z.  Signals were about S5-6
but there was a long standing carrier on top of them making it difficult to
copy.  I came back around 1124Z and worked them.  They were 569.  I asked
about 160 meters and the op replied sometime this weekend.  So hopefully we
will see some much needed P29 activity on Topband Saturday or Sunday.

KM9D, Mike, and KF4TUG, Jan, are on their way to Temotu and should be active
soon as H40MY in the next few days.  As you know Mike is an excellent 160
meter CW op and always does a great job with his home made antenna and 100

It's great to see so much needed Pacific DX on Topband.  Worked VK9WWI for a
new one earlier this week.  I think T30XX will also be on 160 eventually.
See you in the pileups!


Bernie McClenny, W3UR
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