Topband: ZF2UL On Topband

Bob Garrett rgarrett5 at
Mon Apr 14 19:43:20 EDT 2008

Hi Gang,
I wanted to take a moment and thank everyone who worked me during the short time
I spent on Topband last week while operating from Grand Cayman.  N4IS gets the award
for the loudest signal from Stateside.  The transmit antenna was an Inverted Vee
up about 100 feet.  I was running 100 watts and no RX antennas.  QRN was S9, sometimes
more.  Needless to say, I didn't put in a lot of effort due to time restrictions
and my meager setup.  Also, dinner and relaxation with the YL trumps DXing HI.
Next year, I have plans for a bigger effort, at least one RX antenna and some power.
Hope to see you all from ZF.
73,  Bob ZF2UL/K3UL

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