Topband: RF Take Off angle of a 1/4 wave vertical

lew lew at
Thu Aug 21 01:54:24 EDT 2008

     So all the Boring guys are going to multi-element verticals on 
TopBand.  To try to  keep up, I will erect another vertical wire over 
the top of a tall fir tree with a slug of radials under it-just like its 
brother 189' away. The ground slopes NorthEast at about 15-20 degrees 
from level. The "soil" in the area is mostly rocks and decayed dirt from 
the forest flora that's been here for eons so I'll have at least 60 1/4 
wave  or longer radials on the ground under the  1/4 wave vertical. I'm 
on top of a ridge that slopes pretty rapidly 800' down to the valley 
floor. During TopBand season the ground gets pretty wet as the QTH is in 
Oregon. The radiator will be vertical, as a tree supports it, but the 
radials will be on the ground and sloping toward EU.
   The question:  will the slope of the real ground and radials under 
the vertical have any impact on the takeoff angle as compared to what 
might be expected from a level ground?  
    This grand experiment will be put into play sometime next month but 
don't really know what to expect.
    Would appreciate any thoughts or comments.
   73 and I remain,
   Lew    W7EW/W7AT

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