Topband: Daytime Propagation

GEORGE WALLNER gwallner at
Fri Feb 8 09:46:38 EST 2008

I know that this subject has been beaten to death, but 
here  are a few observations from the CQ 160m contest that 
some may find interesting.

During the various day-time propagation tests last year I 
did not hear a peep at my Miami Beach (noisy) QTH.

For the CQ 160m contest I was portable on the north-west 
tip of Rum Cay as C6AGU (23.66 N 74.95 W -- about 400 
miles south-east of Miami). The location was very quiet, 
with no civilization for miles around.

During both days of the Contest I heard US station with 
great signals in the middle of the day. Here are some 
examples on 1/26: (times EST)

11:10 W2GD 599 -- Really loud
11:12 KC1XX 559
11:13 WE3C 579
11:16 K8KS 569
11:35 W1UE 579
11:36 KD2I 589
15:30 N8XA/QRP 549 from OH! The signal was steady and easy 
to read.

W8JI was strong on both days, a steady 599 signal. There 
were several other FL, SC and GA stations whose signals 
were strong on both days. (Note that in a quiet location 
signals that barely move the S meter can be loud and 
easily readable. An S7 signal booms.)

My RX antenna was an inverted L and no pre-amp was being 

By the way, EU stations were being heard with S 5 to 7 
signals from about 4 PM local time (of course dark there). 
They rarely heard anybody from this side, but some did get 
through. Unfortunately, a couple of NA station were CQ-ing 
in the DX window, perhaps thinking that there could be no 
DX during day-light. They had some great DX right under 



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