Topband: VP6DX - Who knows he knows

Jarda OK1RD ok1rd at
Thu Feb 14 12:10:42 EST 2008

Hello Topbanders,
let me say a few sentences which the VP6DX topband operation are concerned.
Just a couple of day of Dxpedition operation on 160m band, you all would
agree with me that, the low band operation of the VP6DX came up to
expectations. Their signals from the first day on 160m was excellent,
operators know when to go on the air, when to ask for EU only and fully play
upon topband opening window towards EU. The operator knows how to pick up
station and takes notice of qso confirmation from both sides to make correct
2-way qso. I worked them on all my 3 callsigns and it was really joy to make
this type of contacts. 
I tested my antennas system of course and confirmed myself again that the 8
Circle has never been overcome by 450m long Beverage, the signals from one
were in wee bit weaker compare to Beverage but absolutely clean like on
higher bands, at much longer period of opening and listen on loudspeaker.
Thanks to Dietmar DL3DXX is low band VP6DX operation enjoyment to follow. I
would end up my report by saying " Who knows he knows ".
Good luck in the pile up..
73 Jarda, OK1RD, OK7XX, OL5R

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