Topband: The Flare, The Band, and The Contest

VE3MGY vy2mgy at
Mon Mar 31 14:11:26 EDT 2008

Hi all

The Flare that caused the GMF to go active to minor storm levels early last 
week starting at ~0600z on the 26th also produced some enhanced signals 
here in Ontario on 160. The VKs on the 27th [ ~29 hours after the onset of 
activity and ~40 hours after the flare ] were much louder than usual, as was 
I into VK. While I have heard of, and experienced, improved condx just 
before and during the onset of activity, I don't recall enhanced condx 
lasting over 24 hours. Unfortunately by Friday night the band was in 
terrible shape here with very high levels of absortion. Both Friday and 
Saturday night I wasn't even able to make it to the west coast here in the 
WPX and signals were all down compared to usual. Did any of my fellow top 
banders notice the same [ or even different ] condx?? I am curious what 160 
was like in Europe, or any where else for that matter,  in the last few 


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