Topband: Condx 28 march

Greg - ZL3IX zl3ix at
Sat Mar 29 14:38:30 EDT 2008

calle.jonsson at wrote:
> This evening condx into ZL/VK were amazing. VK3AMZ peaked 599, VK3ZL
> nearly the same etc. ZL3IX had a better signal than ever.Best VK evening
> in many years! The A index was very high. During my years on 160 I have
> never been able to figure out the relation between condx and A-index. Is
> there a relation at all?
> 73 Carl/SM6CPY
Hi Carl,

I am an engineer, not a physicist, so I do not understand the complex 
algorithms that govern ionospheric propagation.  I have read many 
theories from other people though.  I have come to the conclusion that 
mankind has not yet mastered the art of predicting when condx will be 
good or bad on Topband.  The person who comes the closest is probably 
Bob NM7M, who is a physicist.

One thing I have noticed from my own experience, is that the A index 
does not seem to make much difference unless there is an accompanying 
auroral disturbance, when propagation across polar regions 
deteriorates.  Living in SM, you will have noticed that.  If the signals 
between you and me were following a skewed path yesterday, the aurora 
may not have had its usual effect.

I have also noticed that solar flux values in the 80-90 region seem to 
give better propagation than when they are at 70 and below.  Yesterday 
the flux value was 85, and I'm sure that contributed to the improved 
condx.  I am told that the flux needs to be at least around 90 for the 
E-F duct mode to be supported.

All experienced Topbanders just know that you have to try as often as 
possible, and then one day you will be successful.  It took 4 winters of 
skeds before I finally managed a QSO with Bernie ZS4TX, and, to this 
day, I have no idea why it finally happened in July 2006.

73, Greg, ZL3IX

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