Topband: SERIOUS coax choke

Jim Brown jim at
Thu Nov 20 19:35:33 EST 2008

On Thu, 20 Nov 2008 16:46:19 -0700, Tod -ID wrote:

>Jim [and others who may have thoughts on this] :

>If one places a "SERIOUS coax choke" on a feed line from an RX antenna does
>it make a difference which end the choke is placed on and why?

Yes, it should go at the feedpoint. If the feedline is long, you might want 
another one further along the line so that it doesn't interact with other 

>Antenna end versus station end? Presumably the Scc provides high series
>impedance to any RF travelling on the outside of the shield. A high
>impedance in series with a conductor should attenuate any signal travelling
>along the conductor. [Is that really true?]

Yes, the intent is to isolate the feedline from the antenna (and thus 
prevent the feedline from distorting the pattern of the antenna). 


Jim K9YC

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