Topband: Not so boring report

Merv Schweigert k9fd at
Mon Nov 24 12:34:05 EST 2008

Well Boring conditions have been good at the AM,  but
today it shifted all the way out here.   It has been pretty
fair past few days to northern EU,  but today was one
I have not heard before,  propagation shifted more to
the south and what a show. 

First off I heard 9M6/N2BB say he was qsy from 40 to
160,  and snagged Bob for a new one,  he was 579 here
very nice signal and good ears as usual. 
Was quite surprised to work SV1AOZ, SV3RF, YT5Z,
9A1CCY, YU1FW, several for new ones,  of course
SM, OH, OM, UA9, LY, UA2, G3, PA, round out the
log.  Very nice morning,  lot of QSB and missed several
that would peak for a few letters and back into the noise.
Is this the starting of the 27 day cycle repeat?  If so
there should be some great conditions coming yet in the
next couple days.    73 Merv K9FD/KH6

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