Topband: Excellent JA propagation from Maine

Paul Kelley N1BUG paul.kelley.n1bug at
Mon Nov 24 12:17:27 EST 2008

What a great surprise this morning! After several days of mostly 
poor propagation in the morning, I found JA7NI peaking an honest 599 
this morning. After working Kuni I decided to try a CQ. Finding no 
clear frequencies in the upper part of the JA band without crowding 
someone, I opted for 1811 where my noise level was elevated 10 dB by 
some local (?) source I have never been able to track down.

Despite noise and deep QSB, I was able to work 16 additional JA 
stations, many of them for the first time. While this is commonplace 
for many east coast stations, it sure was a big thrill for me! This 
was my first ever JA "run". Several other callers were lost to QSB 
and noise. I'm sorry I couldn't copy everyone who called me.

I hope someday I may figure out what this noise is. It affects 1810 
to 1816, peaking around 1814 where it is usually +40 dB from my 
ambient noise floor. It is present 24 hours a day, but stronger in 
the daytime and evening hours, weakest in the early morning. It is 
half way between a hiss and a growl. Trying to track its source has 
been fruitless since the strength varies little as I drive around. 
 From home, the strength of this noise varies only a little as I 
switch among my 8 Beverage directions. Strange...

Paul N1BUG

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