Topband: SDR-s -- Remote RX (and Remote TX)

GEORGE WALLNER gwallner at
Thu Dec 31 11:53:29 PST 2009


This disruptive technology is here to stay. It is likely 
to change the hobby in profound ways and it will be better 
for us if we learned to adjust to it.

Perhaps we will need new categories, new rules and 
visibility into "public" SDR usage.

SDR-s could become a positive force. For many urban hams, 
as QRN from new high speed electronic and electrical 
devices increases, public SDR-s in quiet locations may 
become the only way to "hear". Again, whether that will be 
good, bad or just something different, we don’t know yet.

I believe that this is a very crucial thread that should 
be continued, either here or somewhere else.

Happy New Year and
Good TB Conditions (real or virtual) to All!

George, AA7JV

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