Topband: FW5RE and Topband

Agelos-SV3RF sv3rf at
Tue Feb 10 10:22:34 EST 2009

I would like to write a few words from my side also for this DXpedition.
For the time I use to be on topband I agree with Rys SP5EWY It is the best effort with focus on low bands.My sincere TNX to all the team.
Besides I want to say to the operators not only to this particular DXpedition but for any future ones, to be more carefull with the fake QSO's.
Hearing the trafic after my QSO on topband I noticed for one more time several fellows calling agn and agn obviously without hearing the DX at all.
Some of them they dont even know CW and what they do is  programming one memory on the PC, Tune with the maximum available power and press enter repetedly, something like 'Calsign' 5NN 5NN Tnx.
My surprise was next day I checked the online logs and I saw some of them in the log.
On the other hand I know some people with a lot of knowledge and effort that they really deserving the reward not being in the log.This is not fair.
As far I know the operators participating in any DXpedition are all experienced, and I think it is not very difficult to pick out this 'FEW' I believe obvious cheat ops.
It is not my intention to publish any callsigns although it is not allowed on this reflector due to administration rules but if it continues this situation I am going to keep recording files and will do it somewhere else.
GL Agelos, SV3RF


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