Topband: CQ 160 weird ideas

Ralph Matheny mathenyr at
Fri Jan 16 12:14:36 EST 2009

I think "split" and contesting just do not mix very well.  Especially on 
160, I think you will just double the amount of space consumed by a given 
QSO, and double the chance that you will suffer QRM.

If you do work split, make it a small one, say 250 Hz or so...stations 
will quickly learn that you are listening a little low or a little high.
250Hz makes a lot of difference with todays' receivers.

A better solution is to simply spread out--the fone guys up above 1875 
will be unhappy, but I can live with that.

Rules wise...a 400 or so power limit for domestic QSO's would help, but is
probably not practical from an enforcement point of view.  Allow "full"
power in DX windows or for intercontental contacts, but for domestic Q's
if you can't work a station with 400 watts out, somebody has a serious
Rx problem.  Cutting the "CQ machines" by 6 db might reduce some of the
QRM in the 1800-1850 segment.


Ralph Matheny
207 Gibbons Place
Marietta Ohio  45750
mathenyr at

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