Topband: 160 frequencies

Robin wb6tza at
Sun Jan 18 17:32:17 EST 2009

There is some really good hard data coming out of all this discussion.  The
list of "bad" frequencies, and the country allocation list overlaid
produces some interesting results, and gives some good clues for successful
frequency selection, and when it is important to change frequencies based
on probable propagation.

While all of the discussion goes on, it is very important to remember that
it is NEVER wise to use an EXACT KHz.  No matter what part of the world you
are in, someone trying to hear you will be in a part of the world where a
broadcast product falls on the exact KHz you are transmitting on.  Even 100
Hz offset helps a great deal, more is better.  Its no accident that
successful DXpeditions utilize half KHz frequencies.

A fast study of the list could tempt one to try to use 1830.00 KHz.  That
is a very bad choice in North America for certain, and is likely to be bad
in other parts of the world as well.

There is no magic answer, but, careful consideration of the combined data
will certainly give you a better chance for success.


Robin, WA6CDR

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