Mr. and Mrs. Magoo magoo at
Tue Mar 17 08:26:05 PDT 2009

I had occasion to check two of my Beverages after an ice jam took out a run
of hardline where it crosses a creek (ice piled up 6 ft high...guess I need
to raise the level of the hardline!!).  I used my MFJ249 at the antenna

Generally everything looked good....reflected power close to 1:1 across the
whole range EXCEPT that as I tuned from 1.7 up to 10 mhz there were small
peaks in the reflected power reading.  These were not large excursions but,
say, from 1.2 average up to 1.3.  There were several of these.  I never
noticed them on other antennas and did not make measurements when I
installed these antennas as the weather was becoming miserable in December.

Both Beverages pass under power lines, one at 90 degrees (peaks were a
little more pronounced on this one) and one at about 60 degrees.  I'm
assuming that proximity to the power line might be responsible for this but
wonder if anyone has experienced a similar phenomena and would care to

Bill, VE3CSK

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