Topband: Confusion reigns

N7DF n7df at
Wed Nov 25 04:39:41 PST 2009

This morning TX3A was booming in on 1830 listening on 1826 as usual, then YS4/N0AT came up on 1826.4 listening up 2 but a lot of people kept posting him as A31A 
Then YS4/N0AT switched his listening frequency down to 1824 and TX3A switched his listening frequency up to 1828
Unfortunately some people kept calling TX3A on 1826 and YS4/N0AT on 1828 while people kept reporting that A31A was calling CQ on 1826 and listening on 1828
Was really interesting to listen in on the confusion especially one W7 who was messing up the TX3A pileup while calling A31A
Someone finally told TX3A to ignore the W7
A lot of midwest stations were calling TX3A but unfortunately no matter how loud the DX station is a high angle of radiation just won't make back to him....keep trying though those guys are fantastic at pulling out the weak signals


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