Topband: dual-wire experiment

Richard (Rick) Karlquist richard at
Wed Oct 7 09:00:03 PDT 2009

Dennis OConnor wrote:
> Yes, there can be significant noise level differences between directions as close as 45 degrees apart... I see that with my Beverages which are all fed with coax...  A Beverage that points towards an urban area within 20 or 30 miles will be noisier than one that points off to open country...  Also, I had a bad transformer on a powerpole a mile away that was a noise source for my Beverage to NE, but the noise was not audible on the East Beverage...
> Now having said that, the only way to know for sure if your open wire is coupling to a noise source is to replace it with coax and see if it changes...
> denny / k8do

Exact same things seen here, both the transformer thing and pointing 
toward or away from the city.

Rick N6RK

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