Topband: Heartfelt EMI

DAVID CUTHBERT telegrapher9 at
Sat Sep 19 09:36:51 PDT 2009


using the "distance from hand carried antennas" and the frequency at which
the data was taken one can infer the field strength (E and H field) that is
acceptable to the pacemaker. At those frequencies the field strength where
the operator is located can be measured to determine if the level is 'safe.'

I suspect that this data was not taken in the 1.8 to 28 MHz range. For this
one I would not want to extrapolate to a ldifferent frequency range.

   Dave WX7G
   NARTE Certified EMC Engineer

On Tue, Sep 15, 2009 at 12:12 PM, Bob Eldridge <eldridge at> wrote:

> Anyone have any information from personal experience, or someone else's,
> using an unshielded dummy load and/or an unshielded balun near a person with
> an implanted pacemaker?  I have lots of information from Medtronic on
> possible EMI effects, but it tends to be mostly about distance from hand
> carried antennas.  I am concerned about a kW or so at 1.8 to 28 MHz into a
> dummy load in the ATU three feet from the pacemaker-equipped operator
> pulsing CW.
> Bob VE7BS
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