Mike Waters W0BTU mrscience65704 at
Sun Sep 27 10:09:56 PDT 2009

> From: Edward Swynar <gswynar at>
> Perchance, that wasn't featured in an APRIL issue of QST
> magazine sometime ago, was it...?!   :>)

> From: "Mike Waters W0BTU" <mrscience65704 at>
> > I read somewhere where you can prevent ice buildup on
> > a Beverage by coating it with used motor oil before the ice storm
> > with a paint roller. Can anyone verify this?

Hello Eddy,

Well, it might sound like it. But I'm absolutely certain I read it, even though I can't find it now in a Google search. The oil made the water run off the wire like water off a duck's back, before it could freeze.

If we get ice again, and the pre-coating of oil doesn't work, then maybe we can turn the entire Beverage into a big heating element and melt it off. :-)

73 Mike


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