Topband: ARRL 160 contest stories wanted

K9AY k9ay at
Fri Dec 10 07:24:16 PST 2010

Season's Greeting, TopBand Contesters!

Once again, I will be doing the QST story and ARRL Web writeup for the ARRL 
160 Meter Contest. I'd like to have a lot of stories to choose from, so go 
ahead and fill my e-mail Inbox! Include photos if you have them, please!

The 3830 reflector soapbox and ARRL Web soapbax will be included, so there 
is no need to re-send the same message to me -- unless you want to expand on 
it or add pix.

Please note that the QST story will have the dual purposes of presenting the 
winners and conveying the "joy of contesting" to non-contesters. The Web 
story has nearly no limit on size and detail, so it will have more nitty 
gritty contester stuff. So... I need funny or interesting stories as well as 
classic notes on your contest experience.

Vy 73,
Gary, K9AY
k9ay at

PS:  Go to the other end of the HF spectrum and enjoy the 10M 'test this 

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