Topband: Antenna Modeling

K9OR k9or at
Sat Mar 6 17:31:03 PST 2010

I never took the ARRL course, but the book which accompanied it when the
course was introduced (ARRL Antenna Modeling Course by Cebik) is excellent.
Not sure if the ARRL still makes it available to students of the course, but
it may be available via other Internet booksellers. I bought a copy at
Dayton several years ago.

The files that accompany the book are available on the ARRL web site.

I also recommend the Cebik web site (registration required) if you're
interested in antenna designs for 160 through UHF. Lots of good material

Can't speak to the other modeling programs, but I have used EZNEC+ V. 5.0
and can recommend it. The ARRL Antenna Book free version will get you
started, but you'll want the upgrade. 

73 Randy K9OR

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