Topband: Some eye candy

W2PM w2pm at
Thu Nov 11 20:00:12 PST 2010

I have seen worse. K1AJL had a single 833 on two bricks on top of a dirt basement floor with the tank circuit simply seated on plywood on the same floor. The amp was keyed from a room directly upstairs using a certain length of rubber test lead wire. He keyed the B+ directly from there with the negative return through the steam pipes for the house heating system.  

Sent from my iPad

On Nov 11, 2010, at 22:38, Tree <tree at> wrote:

> Tim, K3LR, sent me this picture:
> A little research dug up this web site:
> I would suggest this as a construction technique - but it sure is fun to look 
> at!!
> Those are 833A tubes for those who haven't seen them before.
> Tree
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