Topband: MA160V SWR case closed-

BRYON PAUL n0ah VEAL bryonveal at
Mon Aug 8 20:51:58 PDT 2011

Rolled up the sleeves today and disected the MA160 looking for possible causes to decreased SWR-slightly loose ground nuts holding the radials to the ground bars caused the minimum SWR to lower as the efficiency of the antenna decreased-  No soaking coax, soaked ground, or as one ham suggested, just an over-all terrible antenna and waste of space- Now they are all back tight, back to 3.5:1 at resonance, vs the 1.3:1 without the radials hooked up-  Sometimes the most obvious solution is- Jodie Foster....Contact
Now, do I just use the Pro's III tuner or the Amidon UnUn to minimize SWR at the feedpoint-  

Bryon "Paul" Veal  MAED
FCC Amateur Radio License-N0AH
n0ah at
Certified ARRL Volunteer Wireless Technology Instructor
Acres Green Elementary School Amateur Radio Club Trustee - KD0NIV


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