Topband: My Take on ARRL 160

Eddy Swynar deswynar at
Sun Dec 4 08:27:18 PST 2011

On 4 December Mike wrote:

"MAR" section includes NB (VE9), NS (VE1) and VY2 (PEI).....sometimes MAR even included VO1 and VO2 !!! We have to compete against hams in three provinces for most ARRL contests. Does RI get lumped in with EMA and  CT? - Nope! Does Montana get lumped in with Wyoming and Kansas?  - Nope! Why is it the ARRL sees it fit to make three provinces compete against one another?

Hi Mike,

Some 15 - 20 years ago I petitioned the ARRL Contest Advisory Committee on just that point---but for another contest, the name of which escapes me just now...

Anyway, they agreed & incorporated the SEPARATE PROVINCES in that one as multipliers, rather than the catch-all "MAR."

Similarly, way-back-when I petitioned them about having the Canadian equivalent of a U.S. Novice station, so that we here in "VE"-land might also incorporate a "Novice" tent in Field Day---they agreed on that one, too, I'm happy to say...

The trick, I've found, is to write CARBON COPY LETTERS of your appeal to your individual CAC rep, as well as the CAC Chairman---the more noise you might make, the better. It's certainly worthwhile doing, & if your case is strong enough it has a good chance of at least being considered...

~73~ de Eddy VE3CUI - VE3XZ

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