Topband: Topband Digest, Vol 108, Issue 30

wb2lmv wb2lmv at
Sun Dec 11 08:08:40 PST 2011

All the more reason to populate the band. I work some DX and I am thrilled to do so, but I also enjoy working the QRP stations and ragchewing. I like to keep in mind that Topband is the "gentleman's band" and we should all coexist accordingly. Here is an example: Just last week I started calling CQ around 1.812 looking for a QSO, after my third call I heard a very weak signal, I couldn't make it out so I sent "?"....After not hearing any response, one of the strong local DXer stations sent "QRL DX" I immediately sent "R" and moved away. Not all of us little stations can hear what someone else might be able to hear with a beverage or better equipment then we may be using. That's the fun of Top Band, it's always challenging and when we make that special contact it's a bigger thrill then on some of the other bands. I'm looking forward to working everyone DX or local!
Very 73 to all Topbanders, Glenn WB2LMV

Message: 7
Date: Sun, 11 Dec 2011 08:33:57 -0500
From: Ken <wa8jxm at>
Subject: Re: Topband: Nice QRPP QSO
Cc: topband at
Message-ID: <538CC73B-84F2-4282-8505-0128FD656964 at>
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On Dec 11, 2011, at 2:44 AM, Gary Smith wrote:

> By no means any shadow of a record but I just had a CW QSO on TB with 
> N3LCW/QRP in Md & me in CT; about 300 miles apart. The band was 
> absent of signals till down at the bottom, there he was calling CQ as 
> a QRP so I switched the amp off, turned the K3 down to 5W and got A 
> 599. a bit later I dropped it to 100mW and got a 559 from his K2.
> Kind of amazing there aren't more people on 160, it's definitely 
> alive. 100mW... nice!

I agree, there is not a whole lot of activity on 160 cw or digital even though 
the band is quite capable.   Activity seems to be mostly devoted to contesting 
and DX, (or SSB.)



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