Topband: Nice QRPP QSO

ZR zr at
Sun Dec 11 13:47:27 PST 2011

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Ken" <wa8jxm at>
To: "ZR" <zr at>
Cc: "TOPBAND" <topband at>
Sent: Sunday, December 11, 2011 3:12 PM
Subject: Re: Topband: Nice QRPP QSO

On Dec 11, 2011, at 2:03 PM, ZR wrote:

>  QRP can be fun and I guess I'll never
> understand the type of operator who needs a 3CX15000 and a world class
> antenna farm to boost his ego.


QRP may be fun for the QRP station but it's often a PITA for the station on 
the other end.

I'm not saying that most of us need a KW on CW, I sold my SB220 in 1974. But 
I hate trying to dig some station out of the mud to get 50% copy just so 
that he can get his jollies with miles per milliwatt.

Yes, I've operated a little QRP and decided it wasn't fair to the stations 
on the other end.

Obviously, YMMV.

73, Ken WA8JXM

Ken, Im far from anti QRO as many on here and the Amps reflector know. My 
amps are a LK-500ZC and Alpha 76 PA on the primary and second station 
respectively. Backups are a MLA-2500 and DTR-2000L and the only time they 
get used is when I cycle them thru once a year for a week.  In fact I run an 
amp repair and 6M conversion business.

OTOH there is very little I need on any band and since I hate most of whats 
on TV, especially what the OL watches; cant read a book constantly and Im 
too old to surf porn in the Internet Ive taken up other excuses to be in the 
basement. QRP is one of them. Restoring vintage AM and SSB gear plus 
building AM amps and modulators is another. VHF to microwave also takes some 
of my time.

Since QRP appears to be more popular in EU Id say any CW op worth his salt 
over there is capable of digging out weak signals.


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