Topband: QRP Question

Mike & Coreen Smith ve9aa at
Tue Dec 13 14:44:10 PST 2011

A very very few times, I have used /QRP,. but 99.9% of the time I don't- 
it's not me...

I worked VK0IR on 20m SSB in the middle of the night using a couple watts. 
The op stopped, worked me, and we chatted for probably a good minute or two. 
He was quite surprised. No idea who the op was, but I am sure he'd remember, 
even to this day.   I had already worked them days earlier, as plain jane 
"VE9AA", so I didn't want to appear in their log  as a dupe.  This was a 
super rare thing to hear my part of the work in the middle of the night on 
20m with 59 signals....the rest of 20m was stone cold dead....(Es link to F2 
I think) so he made a point to find out what was up.  He had been only 
working a very few EU's @ the time.

If I thought my signal was super weak and the station was asking me for 
repeats, I am smart enough to drop the /QRP like a hot potato and move 
forward with my basic callsign.  It goes both ways.  A little intuitiveness 
goes a long way. (AKA common sense)

HOWEVER, I don't get all worked up about others signing it to me.  It's 
perfectly fine.  Sometimes, if things are slow, I'll say "NICE SIG /QRP OM" 
or whatever, if it truly is a nice signal.  Maybe that QRP guy wants to know 
how well he's being heard.  In SSB contests (only if things are slow...) I 
might ask the guy what he's running for an antenna....he's not working 
strings of UA0's, so he'll likely stop and tell you.  Relax people.  Let 
them sign what they want to sign.

I do a lot of HF mobile and I have to sign /M.......that's what we are told 
to do here. (nobody thinks I am in the UK, that's just plain silly)

73 de Mike VE9AA/M

Mike, Coreen & Corey Smith
699 Rte 616 Keswick Ridge
E6L 1T1
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Jan Erik Holm
  To: topband at
  Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2011 4:52 PM
  Subject: Re: Topband: QRP Question

  Yes really. FCC does not rule the world and in this case
  FCC is wrong.

  Country designator is put before the callsign. This changed
  way back in the 1970´ties

  Not to confuse things if I go to England and work mobile
  I could sign G3/SM2EKM/m or M3/SM2EKM/m, plain and simple
  and not confusing.

  Not to waist any more BW I will now QSY to a different QRG.

  /Jim SM2EKM
  On 2011-12-13 06:32, W0MU Mike Fatchett wrote:
  > Really?
  > FCC rules:
  > (c) One or more indicators may be included with the call sign. Each
  > indicator must be separated from the call sign by the slant mark (/) or
  > by any suitable word that denotes the slant mark. If an indicator is
  > self-assigned, it must be included before, after, or both before and
  > after, the call sign.*No self-assigned indicator may conflict with any
  > other indicator specified by the FCC Rules or with any prefix assigned
  > to another country.*
  > *M              England (M3xxx and M6xxx - Foundation Class Licence,
  >                           All others - Full Licence Grade) 
14  27*
  > As I said nobody enforces this.  Your licensing may be different.
  > Mike W0MU
  > W0MU-1 CC Cluster
  > On 12/12/2011 10:21 PM, Jan Erik Holm wrote:
  >> This is so wrong. Please please stop spreading this wrong stuff.
  >> It is a mobile designator and NO nothing else.
  >> /Jim SM2EKM
  >> -----------------
  >> On 2011-12-12 18:21, W0MU Mike Fatchett wrote:
  >>> Legally signing /M is only legal if you are in England or one of the
  >>> countries that uses the M prefix.  It is readily accepted as Mobile 
  >>> is not a legal designator. I am not sure that most of the ones you
  >>> listed are legal IARU or ITU call designators.  This could vary from
  >>> country to country.
  >>> Mike W0MU
  >> _______________________________________________
  >> UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK
  > _______________________________________________
  > UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK

  UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK


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