Topband: The antenna is UP!

James Rodenkirch rodenkirch_llc at
Wed Dec 14 12:59:12 PST 2011

Bill: if you get on 160 I'll be listening for you ---- I can only run 20 watts max (most often I'm QRP power) but I'll certainly be listening around and if'n I hear ya I'll be calling ya!

For others:  I sure could use a sked with someone located in VA and MS as those are two of the closer states I need to work for QRP WAS on 160 meters (get those two and I'll only have 7 more states to go, albeit all of them are on the east coast and conditions haven't been very good lately for even hearing any east coast stations out here in s/w Utah with my not so good antenna system).

So, anyone in MS or VA who'd like to try a sked this evening or, perhaps, tomorrow morning let me know.  Thank you!  72, Jim Rodenkirch, K9JWV


> From: wrcromwell at
> To: topband at
> Date: Wed, 14 Dec 2011 14:55:14 -0500
> Subject: Topband: The antenna is UP!
> Hi,
> I survived the adventure in the trees. I left some droop in the wire to
> allow for trees to move in the wind. At the far end of the wire I added
> a screen door spring just in case it gets a little too tight. Time will
> tell if I eyeballed that right. The wire can slide in the fence
> insulators I installed so I am hoping the whole affair will stay up
> through winter. I have a counterpoise wire laying on the ground. Oh
> yeah..the antenna has passed some initial tests. I found on-air signals
> on 40 through ten meters and so far it works as well as or better than
> my 100 foot loop. I tried loading it on 80 meters but the transmitter I
> have on line at the moment seems to have some "issues" on 80, even with
> a good 50 ohm dummy load. Ain't it great running "vintage" gear. I plan
> to use my Johnson Ranger in the Stew so I'll move that up and try it on
> the new antenna. The Johnson has some "issues" on 40 and up but works
> fine on 160 and 80. It would be great if I can get on 80 and 160
> tonight.
> The outdoor water sports part of this adventure is now over!! I'm warm
> and dry again.
> 73,
> Bill  KU8H
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