Topband: Noise problem followup

W5UN w5un at
Wed Dec 21 10:55:06 PST 2011

Thanks to everyone who responded to my plea for help.

This is going to be a long term project, finding and fixing the 
problem. I live in a rural area with no houses nearby, and the only 
power lines near me to the south and west. These are both clean. 
There is a small community of around 50 people east of me about 3 
miles as the crow flies (five miles to drive) and it is not viable 
from here due to forestation between us.  Things there appear to be 
clean of noise also. I have driven many miles of county roads in the 
area, and still have not located a suspected noise source. It may be 
further out.

I'm using several tooks that were suggested in your replies.

Dave, W5UN

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