Topband: Noise problem question

Herb Schoenbohm herbs at
Mon Dec 19 16:41:33 PST 2011

Joe...It sort of sounds like a LinkSys router I once had.

It could be sitting right in the shack?

Herb Schoenbohm, KV4FZ

On 12/19/2011 5:41 PM, Joe Giacobello, K2XX wrote:
>    A local TBér got back to me and, apparently, it's local to me.  I have
> no idea what it is, but it might be someone's plasma TV.  However, it's
> there 24/7, so that doesn't make sense.
> It's more or less centered on 1836 and is quite wobbly and varies in
> amplitude and frequency.  It's about 2.5 KHz wide, and it doesn't vary
> in strength when I change directions on the RX array.  I'll have to
> check for a badnik somewhere in the house.
> 73, Joe
> K2XX

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