Bill and Liz McHugh magoo at
Wed Feb 2 06:16:23 PST 2011

Normally in the CQ160CW contest there is a wall of NA signals across the band.  But this year I found many frequencies which appeared to be unoccupied. 

I dropped onto a few of these, sent QRL several times and nobody responded.  I sat on some of these frequencies just listening and nobody appeared for minutes at a time.  Eventually somebody showed up, sent QRL and went to work.  This happend both Friday and Saturday nights all up and down the band.

Initially, I discovered these "holes" with the K3's bandwidth set at 100 hz but then I opened it up to 150, 200, 250 and still nobody was there.  I found that a bit strange!  

Was the number of NA participants down this year?  Certainly the DX was out in force as I heard some 60 DX entities in my S&P over a few hours having fun.

Anyone else notice a similar occurrence?


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