Topband: Base Loaded Vertical vs. Asymmetrical Top Loading

Guy Olinger K2AV olinger at
Thu Feb 17 20:33:52 PST 2011

With 60 feet vertical, getting "pure" vertical polarization just won't make
any difference.  Always go for the efficiency.  Many people have outstanding
signals with inverted L's.

And as always, worrying about the wire above doesn't matter a hill of beans
if the counterpoise/radial field is not in top shape and purged of all
treatable losses.  Your top shape might vary your signal 0.3 dB, if that
much.  Your counterpoise/radials can vary your signal 15 dB.  You are only
as good as your counterpoise/radial field.

73, Guy.

On Thu, Feb 17, 2011 at 7:18 PM, Chortek, Robert L <
Robert.Chortek at> wrote:

> Dear Topband Aficionados -
> I could use a little help.  I am currently using a 60 foot base loaded
> vertical, with an 8" diameter coil made of copper tubing.  I know top
> loading gives much better efficiency. The problem is, my lot won't allow
> the two top loading wires to be in the same plane, so they won't cancel
> the high angle radiation. I know there is a lot of info missing here but
> generally, am I likely to see significant improvement over the base
> loaded vertical if I use top loading but the wires are spaced 120
> degrees instead of 180 degrees?
> Any help would be greatly appreciated.
> 73,
> Bob/AA6VB
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