Topband: December Boring report and band conditions

Herb Schoenbohm herbs at
Sat Jan 8 07:34:52 PST 2011

On 1/8/2011 10:20 AM, w8uvz wrote:
> I agree with Cal's comments.
> The past couple of years, the low band propagation "lengthened" to having WC
> being able to work EU on a fairly regular basis.  Simarily, EC was often
> working JA and UA9/0.
> We had some of the best long haul and over the top condx, I have ever
> experienced in my 30 years on the low bands.
> But with the upward movement in the solar cycle, propagation has again
> become  "shorter".
> In short, I think we'll find these condx to be the norm for several years.
> Of course, there will be some good openings along the way.
> So, having "enjoyed the wave", settle in for different condx with some nice
> surprises as the cycle moves on....
> 73  George  W8UVZ
I'm not sure I would use the term disappointing. First the solid signals 
day after day from 9Q5ON working many East Coast and Midwest with a new 
country despite extreme tropical static.  But last week Larry, VQ9LA 
(15,000 KM path length) was in for hours on 1814 peaking and holding 589 
for long periods with only minor QSB.  At the same time he was inaudible 
on the East Coast.  I would tend to believe that the Auroral suck out 
may have contributed to that phenomenon.  My path heading to VQ9LA is 82 
degrees.  EU regulars at 30 to 45 degrees were weak to ESP.  Neither was 
there any skew.  Just a solid DX path to the Indian Ocean and not any 
apparent  a spotlight.  I would think under these conditions VU2 and 4S7 
would have detectable signals but that was not the case.  So IMHO the 
polar absorption may most responsible for some paths reacting poorly.

Herb, KV4FZ

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