January 2011 Archives by date
Starting: Sat Jan 1 12:53:11 PST 2011
Ending: Mon Jan 31 21:23:38 PST 2011
Messages: 173
- Topband: Preliminary Stew Perry Results
- Topband: CQ 160 Contest results now available on web
Andy Blank
- Topband: W1FB preamp failure
WD8DSB at aol.com
- Topband: South Coast British Columbia 160M Beacon
Martin Mac Gregor
- Topband: W1FB preamp failure
Missouri Guy
- Topband: South Coast British Columbia 160M Beacon
Martin Mac Gregor
- Topband: W1FB preamp failure
WD8DSB at aol.com
- Topband: ICE-196 has a catch-
Bryon PAUL Veal n0ah
- Topband: South Coast British Columbia 160M Beacon
Martin Mac Gregor
- Topband: ICE-196 has a catch-
- Topband: South Coast British Columbia 160M Beacon
Guy Olinger K2AV
- Topband: Boring Report - December
- Topband: Boring Report - December
Dan Kovatch
- Topband: Boring Report - December
Luis Mansutti IV3PRK
- Topband: Boring Report - December
- Topband: Boring Report - December
David Raymond
- Topband: Boring Report - December
VE7SL at shaw.ca
- Topband: Boring Report - December
Joe Giacobello, K2XX
- Topband: Boring Report - December
Phil Clements
- Topband: Boring Report - December
- Topband: Inverted L Question
Scott Meister
- Topband: Topband report - QRN extreme
Mark Lunday
- Topband: Boring Report - December
- Topband: Boring Report - December
Thomas Hoeppe
- Topband: Boring Report - December
Julius Fazekas
- Topband: Boring Report - December
Charlie Young
- Topband: Boring Report - December
Jeff Wilson
- Topband: Topband report - QRN extreme
Sam Morgan
- Topband: Boring Report - December
Brian Machesney
- Topband: CQing and Clustering
Ward Silver
- Topband: Inverted L Question
Mel Crichton
- Topband: Inverted L Question
- Topband: Boring Report - December
Guy Olinger K2AV
- Topband: Inverted L Question
Guy Olinger K2AV
- Topband: Our Sun, Planet Earth, Saturn and 160M Band
Chester Latawiec
- Topband: ICE 196
Frank Westphal
- Topband: December Boring report and band conditions
Cal Jeanroy
- Topband: Boring Report - December
- Topband: December Boring report and band conditions
- Topband: December Boring report and band conditions
Herb Schoenbohm
- Topband: Boring Report - December
Rik van Riel
- Topband: Topband Conditions: CONSOLATION
Diane and Edward Swynar
- Topband: Dayton 2011
Allan Greening
- Topband: Topband Conditions: CONSOLATION
Charles Moizeau
- Topband: December Boring report and band conditions
Dale Conner
- Topband: Dayton 2011
k8gg at voyager.net
- Topband: Grounding UNused Beverage??
Sante - IK0HBN
- Topband: Russian Vacuum Variables on EBAY
Robert Harmon
- Topband: Russian Vacuum Variables on EBAY
Guy Olinger K2AV
- Topband: Russian Vacuum Variables on EBAY
Charles Moizeau
- Topband: Not sooo Boring Report
- Topband: Toroid for OD5NJ
N3SL at aol.com
- Topband: Inverted L questions Thank you
Scott Meister
- Topband: JD1BMH(30 Dec.2010-08 Jan.2011)
Harry Kawanobe
- Topband: Apropos of W7RH's not so boring report...
Jim Sorenson
- Topband: JD1BMH(30 Dec.2010-08 Jan.2011)
petr.gustab at centrum.cz
- Topband: W4-VK6 QSO 100W
- Topband: Antennex DVD
PaulKB8N at aol.com
- Topband: HWF two years report. N4IS
- Topband: S92SS Log Now on LoTW
charles Lewis
- Topband: Boring / Not So Boring Report
- Topband: TB recovery?
Lars Harlin
- Topband: TB recovery?
Mike Waters W0BTU
- Topband: TB recovery?
Jeff Maass
- Topband: How to measure the resonance of a tower?
- Topband: TB recovery?
Luis Mansutti IV3PRK
- Topband: High Efficiency Furnace RFI?
donovanf at starpower.net
- Topband: Shunt tower help
James C. Hall, MD
- Topband: First attempt at beverage antenna, not working as expected
Mark Lunday
- Topband: Shunt tower help
James C. Hall, MD
- Topband: First attempt at beverage antenna, not working as expected
Mark Lunday
- Topband: First attempt at beverage antenna, not working as expected
Greg - ZL3IX
- Topband: TB Recovery?
calle.jonsson at sverige.nu
- Topband: First attempt at beverage antenna, not working as expected
- Topband: First attempt at beverage antenna, not working as expected
Rick Stealey
- Topband: First attempt at beverage antenna, not working as expected
Rik van Riel
- Topband: First attempt at beverage antenna, not working as expected
donovanf at starpower.net
- Topband: Topband Digest, Vol 97, Issue 18
K3vw at aol.com
- Topband: First attempt at beverage antenna, not working as expected
Alex Goldenberg
- Topband: First attempt at beverage antenna, not working as expected
Mike Waters W0BTU
- Topband: First attempt at beverage antenna, not working as expected
Mark Lunday
- Topband: First attempt at beverage antenna, not working as expected
Mike Waters W0BTU
- Topband: The beverage is not working yet, but the inverted L sure is
Mark Lunday
- Topband: First attempt at beverage antenna, not working as expected
Tom Boucher
- Topband: First attempt at beverage antenna, not working as expected
Mike Waters W0BTU
- Topband: First attempt at beverage antenna, not working as expected
Mike Waters W0BTU
- Topband: Isotron
rick darwicki
- Topband: First attempt at beverage antenna, not working as expected
Greg - ZL3IX
- Topband: First attempt at beverage antenna, not working as expected
donovanf at starpower.net
- Topband: "Grounds" for a Beverge
Charles W. Shaw
- Topband: Long delayed posts
Mike Waters W0BTU
- Topband: Amazing TB!
Lars Harlin
- Topband: DU1/SM0MDG
Björn Mohr
- Topband: How to measure the resonance of a tower?
- Topband: Boring / Not So Boring Report
Raoul Coetzee
- Topband: "Grounds" for a Beverge
Guy Olinger K2AV
- Topband: "Grounds" for a Beverge
Jeff Woods
- Topband: TB recovery?
Russ Tobolic
- Topband: Beverage antenna
Ben Wasilauskas
- Topband: How to measure the resonance of a tower?
- Topband: 160 Meter RFI - found another ham with nearly identical RFI
donovanf at starpower.net
- Topband: 160 Meter RFI - found another ham with nearly identical RFI
donovanf at starpower.net
- Topband: Beverage antenna
Herb Schoenbohm
- Topband: Beverage Antenna
Ben Wasilauskas
- Topband: Beverage Antenna
Alex Goldenberg
- Topband: 74 years a ham
Paul Elliott
- Topband: Tracking RFI; was 160 Meter RFI - found another ham with nearly
Ffive VHN
- Topband: noise
Pete Parisetti
- Topband: shunt fed tower (was: How to measure the resonance of a tower)
- Topband: shunt fed tower (was: How to measure the resonance of a tower)
Guy Olinger K2AV
- Topband: Phased verticals question (again!!)
Dave Sharred
- Topband: CQ 160 Contest Update
Andy Blank
- Topband: 2010 CQ 160 SSB LP Plaque
Julius Fazekas
- Topband: CQ 160 Contest Update
Jorge Diez - CX6VM
- Topband: Phased verticals question (again!!)
Dave Sharred
- Topband: Fwd: Re: shunt fed tower (was: How to measure the resonance of a tower)
Greg - ZL3IX
- Topband: Beverage saga, part 2
Mark Lunday
- Topband: 74 years a ham
Paul Elliott
- Topband: Beverage saga, part 2, Beverage now working
Mark Lunday
- Topband: Short beverage
Chuck Chandler
- Topband: shunt fed tower
- Topband: Short beverage
W2RU - Bud Hippisley
- Topband: Beverage saga, the conclusion
Mark Lunday
- Topband: Short beverage
Garry Shapiro
- Topband: RX ANT RX protection in SO2R environment
Felipe Ceglia - PY1NB
- Topband: Beverage ground rod substitute
- Topband: Short beverage
K4RO Kirk Pickering
- Topband: Do short beverages "work"?
Rick Karlquist
- Topband: Beverage ground rod substitute
- Topband: Additional trophy for CQ160
Andy Blank
- Topband: Beverage ground rod substitute
Herb Schoenbohm
- Topband: Beverage ground rod substitute
John Langdon
- Topband: Dayton Hamvention - Crowne Plaza Rooms Available
K8MFO at aol.com
- Topband: Short Loaded Beverages
Dennis W0JX
- Topband: It works! The Beverage antenna
Mark Lunday
- Topband: Do short beverages "work"?
Bob Eldridge
- Topband: Short Beverages
w9xt at unifiedmicro.com
- Topband: 160 and short beverages
John Harden, D.M.D.
- Topband: RX ANT RX protection in SO2R environment
k8gg at voyager.net
- Topband: Short Loaded Beverages
- Topband: Beverage ground rod substitute
- Topband: Beverage ground rod substitute
- Topband: Do short beverages "work"?
Herb Schoenbohm
- Topband: Need help identifying RFI source
K4RO Kirk Pickering
- Topband: Do short beverages "work"?
WD8DSB at aol.com
- Topband: Do short beverages "work"?
Chortek, Robert L
- Topband: Need help identifying RFI source
Rob Stampfli
- Topband: Do short beverages "work"?
- Topband: IDing RFI (QRNN) source
- Topband: Do Short Beverages Work?
k9la at frontier.com
- Topband: looking for comments
- Topband: CO8LY in 160Mtrs Contest
Eduardo Somoano C
- Topband: [yc0low at gmail.com: YE1C]
- Topband: CQ 160 FO8RZ
f5phw at free.fr
- Topband: Short beverage update
Chuck Chandler
- Topband: Antenna Optimizer by K6STI
Roger D Johnson
- Topband: 80m quarter wave on 160m... can support guys be used to provide capacitance loading?
bills stuff
- Topband: Better F Connectors
Pete Smith
- Topband: VP8ORK
- Topband: VP8ORK
Wayne Rogers
- Topband: VP8O freq in EU
Jacek SP5DRH
- Topband: Skin effect on RG6U at top band
jeremy maris
- Topband: VP8ORK
- Topband: Skin effect on RG6U at top band
- Topband: VP8ORK
Ed Muns
- Topband: VP8ORK
- Topband: Skin effect on RG6U at top band
Bill Wichers
- Topband: To Topband Contesters ( 1 Day After)
- Topband: Skin Effect of RG-6U
Dennis W0JX
- Topband: Better F Connectors
Mike Waters
- Topband: Better F Connectors
Garry Shapiro
- Topband: Better F Connectors
- Topband: VP8ORK
Dave AA6YQ
Last message date:
Mon Jan 31 21:23:38 PST 2011
Archived on: Tue Feb 1 16:51:54 PST 2011
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Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).