Topband: Top Band INactivity

Fri Mar 4 06:32:18 PST 2011

>> From: "Diane and Edward Swynar" <deswynar at>
>>or has general activity on
>> 160-meters declined significantly in the past few 

There was plenty of activity on TB last night (Thursday 
night). DF2PY was a solid S9 in South Florida. There were 
many other EU stations with solid S8 and S7 signals. QSB 
was very deep but noise was not excessive. I started 
working EU with 25 watts while the PA was warming up and I 
was getting S7 reports. Conditions must have been 
excellent. TB rewards those who wait!

There must also be a compounding effect; when conditions 
are poor fewer stations stay on the band and when 
conditions are good, more stations get on it.

Cheers and 73,

George, AA7JV

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