Topband: Hindering factors in the science of back yard 160m vertical inst...

PaulKB8N at PaulKB8N at
Sat Nov 5 10:42:30 PDT 2011

Brilliant piece of work!  I don't think we can fully  comprehend or 
completely model all the factors involved in 160M operation.  If this proves 
difficult in an open setting, imagine trying it in  suburbia with cage antennas 
made of electrical wiring, otherwise known as track  houses, all around you.  
RBN is a useful tool, and I'm a "junkie" for it, but it, too, has some  
anomalies and limittions.
First of all, you have to look at a lot of aggregate data to really note  
trends.  RBN measures signal to noise ratios.  More noise, less  relative 
signal! Every site has its own RF environment.  We cannot  assume that every 
reading is taken under the same set of conditions.   Man-made and atmospheric 
noise can occur both long-term and short-term.   This seriously challenges 
the assumptions that the received station may be  making about the amplitude 
of his signal on a given hit.  Unless you look  at a lot of trends over time 
and have a good general grasp of the data you  receive from each individual 
station, it is easy to grossly  misinterpret the individual data points.
Secondly, we do not know what type of antenna the RBN station is using,  
what direction it favors, polarity, whether it is fixed or rotary, what the  
primary emphasis of the receiving station is (are they looking at Europe for 
DX,  etc.)  Even the topography of a receive site may impact the results.  
I have a terrible time lighting up the RBN on 160M.  Even when I know  
stations are listening there, I often get little response, and the response I  
get indicates a very low signal strength.  Despite this, I seem to be able  
to work most of what I hear on the band.  I assume that many of the RBN  
stations can monitor the band, but may not have separate RX antennas, or have  
anything looking my way.
With all the variables involved in creating a successful 160M operation, I  
would be very hesitant to rule out trying anything.  It seems that in a  
world of compromises on a 100' by 80'  lot with trees at a maximum  height of 
40' to hide antennas, there is a "sweet spot" that optimizes the  good 
factors and minimizes the bad.  The problem is that I know only  some of what I 
know, but I don't know a lot of what I don't know.  I  trudge along making 
marginal improvements, but never knowing quite where to go  next.
Guy, when you get that book done, maybe there will be some answers for all  
of us.
Paul, K5AF 
In a message dated 11/5/2011 10:35:09 A.M. Central Daylight Time,  
olinger at writes:

The  Short Version.  I'm not sure there are any list moderators that  would
tolerate the long version.  It's a book.

If you already  have a dense, uniform 160m radial system, you know what you
have.  If  you can and are planning to have dense and uniform, stick with
it.   The rest of this is for you who do not have, will not have or  cannot
have.  Reasons for not doing dense radials vary widely from too  much work,
to "political" difficulties with the household planning  department, to
confining circumstances that simply make it impossible, a  whole host of
compelling reasons.

Hams have suffered in the confined  circumstances by attempting various
minimalist extrapolations of commercial  radial methodology. The rub is that
commercial grade research was never  done on non-dense, non-uniform
solutions.  And why would it?  If  one builds an AM broadcast station, one
buys property large enough to do  the efficient antenna.  The continuing,
year in year out, now until  forever, extra power bill expense of running
extra power to an inefficient  antenna to maintain an FCC mandated field
strength, economically precludes  cutting corners on the antenna system.
It's a total no-brainer to spend the  money for the efficient antenna
solution, including the necessary  property.

What would we be doing if the FCC mandated that all hams on  160 meters had
to maintain a specific field strength while transmitting,  say the field
strength of 100 watts on a commercial BC grade vertical and  radial system.
A poor antenna would require buying and running an amp. Some  really poor
installations I have seen would require a linear with 30 amp  240v service
to it to match 100 watts on a commercial BC grade  antenna  :>)

Hamdom has made considerable assumptions about  extrapolation of commercial
BC antennas into the world of constrained  circumstances.  We have been
hindered on all sides coming into proper  research on how these
extrapolations actually work.  Hindrances  follow, not in any particular

1) Until recently, we have had  no readily available way to accurately
measure sky wave. Commercial AM BC  is all about ground wave.  Hams are all
about sky wave. The Reverse  Beacon Network (RBN) is about a year old.  RBN
is the first practical,  universally available measurement device for
skywave that will allow  overall accurate comparison of signals from various
installations.   One can compare the signals of two stations graphically
across a contest  weekend and compare the transmitted signals of two closely
located  stations, to within a dB or two, as heard at locations all over the
country  and the world.  A/B tests on an S meter at either end, either RX or
TX  on the antenna in question, have proven notoriously unreliable for a
stack  of reasons, and have led hams on occasion to discard the better
working  solution.  The RBN network has shown 10 dB differences between  two
local systems here that popular opinion expects to be in the  opposite
relationship.  Folks seem to be slow in embracing these  comparisons, with
not much acceptance of conclusions flowing from the  comparisons.

2) The raw loss factor of dirt varies hugely.  Some  hams can "get away
with" lossy methods because of their superior  dirt.  Other hams using the
same installation over poor dirt have  their signals sucked dry of strength
like a prune.  This leads to  arguments about whether an antenna "works",
that can't be resolved.   The FCC's standard USA map plot for ground
conductivity assumptions for use  in AM BC station design and license
applications varies from a sucky sucky  2 millisiemens all the way to an
almost miraculous 30 millisiemens.   If you are one of the lucky ones with
30 millisiemens dirt, you probably  can get away with anything, including a
configuration that would be a dummy  load on 2 millisiemens dirt.  The real
question at root is how well  your DIRT works.  If you're not one of the
lucky 30 millisiemens folks  and you can't do dense and uniform, your first
consideration about an  antenna should be how to minimize induced ground
loss.  That seems  more often to be the last thing commonly thought about.

3) Literature  leads us away from the ground loss problem. It has only one
solution: dense  and uniform.  But they're NOT telling a lie.  It's true,
and it's  the BEST solution.  You SHOULD do dense and uniform if you can
(use  your own personal definition of "can").  Those are the killer  signals
on the band. But there is just about nothing in the literature  like, "How
to do 160 meter vertical antennas when you can't do dense and  uniform
radials."  This creates a huge credibility gap for those  trying to push
loss mitigation which in turn foments an easily discernible  resistance to
progress on the issue.

4) Dirt at MF is a science in  it's own right.  And its characteristics that
pertain to radio energy  absorption can vary wildly (I use this term with
accuracy and conviction)  from area to area, from neighborhood to
neighborhood, and even in the same  back yard (measurements, not
speculation). If construction site leveling  for house building has not
turned a property into a totally miscellaneous  conduction/dielectric layer
cake, mother nature over the millennia may  have, as at my house. My back
yard is clay over sand over clay, over  ancient forest fire. Out toward the
service road by the creek, it's layers  of acidic rotting leaves and pine
straw kept damp under-surface most of the  time except late summer. This
numbing variability makes progress by  comparison of results difficult.
One's opinion of the whole thing may be  skewed one way or another simply
by the dirt available to those whom one  has talked to for advice.

5) Instrumentation for measurement of  conductivity at medium frequencies is
not nicely packaged in inexpensive  MFJ style boxes. This is in abject
comparison to antenna analyzers, and  modeling programs, which have had
wonderful progress in the last  decade.

On the whole, we're too busy resisting the idea of starting  with loss
mitigation, that if substantially accepted, might generate enough  demand
for inexpensive conductivity testers.  We have to roll our  own
measurements, with all the data conversion work and opportunity for  error
that implies.  How much attention would you pay to SWR if you  had to make
your own SWR box to measure it?  In the 50's I never paid  any attention.
My tiny budget for radio barely afforded TX and RX of any  kind.  I still
worked all over the world, until I moved my multiband  vertical from copper
row house roofs to backyard sod and a ground pipe, and  couldn't work
anybody, and couldn't understand why.  I'm certainly not  knocking
analyzers, but the demand for such instruments precedes their  availability.

6) Nobody wants to think they've been "had."   But hamdom, in regard to
extrapolation of commercial MF vertical/radial  techniques, and
understanding ground losses and loss mitigation for  confined circumstances,
has been "had."  The particulars are largely  considered so mushy that the
subject has largely has been reduced to a war  of "opinions."  The first
look is not to science, but to the  reputation of the author, if even that.
It has become "schools of thought"  when it should have been science and
design.  This introduces an  unfortunate irritation factor to discussions,
where people want to think  that all opinions should be equal, and don't
want their own opinion stomped  on.  Not that science doesn't get into
heated arguments about areas  where proof does not yet extend, or the
"proof" itself is a  controversy.

7) The math involved is really nasty.  And there is  controversy about some
of it.  Small wonder.  Could anything that  nasty REALLY have been proved
out all the way?  Some part of my gut  screams "Fishy! Fishy!" every time I
get into this.  I do get it,  there's a part of ME that remains convinced
there is more than a hint of  voodoo in this.  Why should I NOT expect that
from the hinter  lands.

8) Even the high-priced, legal agreement, professional grade,  USB license
key, modeling programs cannot deal with the vagaries of dirt.  The growing
consensus is that models generally UNDER-estimate ground and  miscellaneous
dielectric losses.  The reason is simple: noone is going  to dig up and
measure the conductivity of every cubic foot of their dirt to  a depth of
ten feet across their entire back yard.  And even if you  did, the high-end
Norton-Sommerfield ground estimation method was written  for monolithic dirt
and to "calibrate" ground estimation to real field  strength measurements at
the ground from commercial grade installations.  One confounding issue at
160m is that the water table can be visible to the  RF, with the ground
increasingly described by knowledgeable authors as  actually
semi-transparent at MF.  There is simply no existing way in  the current
programming to deal with a VERTICAL two medium stack  underfoot.  What will
pay for that expense and trouble?  And  would you ever practically have
MEASURED data to drive it for use at a ham  level?

9) The physical aspects of a full spread of tests, to combine  both existing
dense and uniform, and non-dense and uniform methods, is very  difficult and
requires a significant crew some number of days just to do a  suite of tests
on only one site with it's unique dirt structure/content  data points.
There is a reason why this kind of work usually gets done with  research
money to PAY people to travel and show up.  Then there is the  need to go
and do exactly the same tests on different sites to get a range  of data to
display the rainbow of results, and see the variation on  different sites
with different dirt.

10) The size of a halfwave on  160 complicates matters, eliminates many
sites, and creates difficult  construction issues for tests.  To deal with
this, some have made  tests on 40m, and extrapolated results to 160m.  We
now know that does  not work well because at 40 there is more of  a hard
"skin effect" to  the dirt which is easier and more accurately served with a
monolithic  ground estimate.  So we have to do our experiments full size,
down at  1.8 MHz, so we get understandings and solutions that work at 1.8
MHz. To  run a base comparison on 160 one has to start with a dense quarter
wave  radial system, 120 if it's on the ground, and repeat measurements as
one  does harmonic reductions of the radial count.  And do that BOTH  for
elevated and on-ground. This gives the trusted base measurements to  relate
to non-dense, non-uniform counterpoise solutions. This is an awful  lot of
work just installing, supporting and removing.  Leading into  number 11:

11) The variability of solutions, and the need to include  them ALL on a
scale of effectiveness leads to a very large matrix of tests  to be run on a
single site.  This in turn needs a clever mechanical  progression of tests
to minimize the work moving from one test to the  next.  Many of the
INDIVIDUAL tests in such a suite require  construction of antenna system
components that would be a fall project for  many a ham, and would
thereafter be what was used for a long time because  that was all the spare
time (and money?) available for allocation.   We're talking about installing
forty or fifty antenna systems, and then  carefully measuring and recording
them, in a few days?

12) At least  so far, I have not been able to figure a procedure that would
allow a crew  to get through all the needed activity on a weekend of two
twelve hour  days.  It appears to need two or maybe even three two day
weekends  PLUS corresponding weekends of crews. And that for only one set of
data at  one site.

13) The measuring protocol has to be dead on, and in the work  laid out in
12) we have to NOT have a killer flaw that requires starting  over with the
flaw fixed. That can throw a lot of work down the toilet and  be very

14) The weather needs to cooperate, and no rain  and mild wind are required.
Some of the tests have some matrix columns for  signal sources suspended
from balloons, to positively measure at angles NOT  along the ground, since
hams are skywave users. Multiple weekend rentals of  helicopter plus pilot
is not being considered.

15) Assuming the  above can be worked out, the need to spread out the work
over weekends  might require dominating the test site between tests. This
means that a  meadow in a public park may be difficult to use, or require
taking  everything down after each "session" .

16) If one considers a paid crew  of six college students for five twelve
hour days at $100 per day, that's  $3000 per data set NOT including food and
transportation. To pull this off  at a carefully selected range of ground
type sites, probably scattered  around the US, one is talking easily about
25-50 thousand dollars, with the  difficulties of rounding up crews LOCAL to
the testing sites.  And  from various past experience that expense could be
ridiculously  underestimated due to something I'm overlooking.

That's the stuff  required for delivering PROOF that people can bet their
hard earned spare  cash and time on.  I get that.  I really do.

Bell Labs and  all the radio pioneer giants have already been there, but not
for the  non-dense non-uniform radial-disadvantaged crowd, and not much  for
skywave.  They all had employers who had big money skins in the  game that
needed the knowledge.  Adjusting for current value of past  expense, we're
probably talking about millions of dollars spent on the  original research.
And even at those levels, that was money considered well  spent for needed
answers to questions with a lot of money hanging on  them.

This is why we don't have the science long in hand for hams, with  MFJ and
Radio Works happily manufacturing decently efficient small site  160
antennas based on those principles plus matching devices that one  just
dumps out of the carton, strings up, tunes up, and then goes inside to  make
good contest scores on 160.

Just a rant on my part,  folks.  Maybe some of this stuff will catch on and
we'll get a little  tail wind.

73,  Guy.
UR RST IS ... ...  ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK

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