Topband: Location of beverage close to 60 ft hill

wa3mej at wa3mej at
Wed Nov 16 15:59:53 PST 2011


  After surveying my property and getting permission from the neighbor to use his property 

I have decided that in order to get a beverage pointed to about 35 - 45 deg. (from MD) 

and keep the beverage feed about 300 ft from my inverted L feed point I will 

have to: 

a. cross a 8 ft wide stream 

b. run about 10-15 ft up a bank behind my house 

Let me put this in perspective.  Behind my house there is a dropoff about 60 ft down to a stream 

bed. My antenna will cross this and run partially up the bank. The feed point for the beverage 

is the part that is about 10-15 ft up the bank meaning that the antenna is pointing in the direction of the bank to get to the desired location (europe-africa).  

So here is my question.  How much will the bank immediately above the feet point. Should I opt for another direction instead?  

Comments Please 



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