Topband: Location of beverage close to 60 ft hill

Mike Waters mikewate at
Wed Nov 16 16:52:38 PST 2011

Not to worry. Your Beverage will work fine, as long as you feed it, etc.
properly. They are not critical. It has well and often been said that
Beverages just "want to work".

My NE-SW 580' Beverage crosses a ravine wider than yours, not to mention
running up and down a hill. Believe me, it hears very well indeed.

Over the years, I have read a number of experiences of hams with Beverage
antennas running up and down steep hills (some VERY steep) and crossing
ravines, and absolutely NO ONE reported anything but good results. :-)

When you cross a narrow stream or ravine like yours, there is no need to
exactly follow the contour of the land.

73, Mike

On Wed, Nov 16, 2011 at 5:59 PM, <wa3mej at> wrote:

> a. cross a 8 ft wide stream
> b. run about 10-15 ft up a bank behind my house

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