Topband: T32C with QRP

Garry Shapiro garry at
Mon Oct 3 16:06:43 PDT 2011

Human nature: the definition for most of us of a "great DXpedition" is 
one that you just worked.

On 10/3/2011 6:41 AM, N7DF wrote:
> This morning T32C was 25 over 9 on1815 and I tried QRP with 1 watt.  He came right back to my call and said I was a real 599 so I dropped my power to a measured 50 milliwatts output and he was able to get about 30% copy.  This was with my Collins folded cage monopole through 450 feet of RG213.  Looks like the band is opening.  That has to be one of the best DXpeditions in recent history.  Excellent signals on all bands and top flight operators.
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