Topband: New entry to TopBand with antenna question

K2RS K2RSonline at
Mon Sep 5 16:37:10 PDT 2011


I agree 100% with Price and Tree. As a relative newcomer to 160, from 
personal experience my suggestion would be to go with an Inverted-L with 
raised radials -- no need for a ground connection and more efficient 
than buried radials. Check out the March 2010 issue of QST for an 
excellent article by Rudy Severns, N6LF, who did real-world comparisons 
of various ground system configurations for verticals and found that in 
his testing that 4 raised radials were within .2 db of 64 radials on the 
ground. Something else to consider: elevated radials will require less 
work than a bunch of buried radials you'll be walking away from in a 
couple of years.

Last season was my first on 160 from this QTH. With 100 watts and an 
inverted-L with the top at about 70' and the end sloping down to only 
about 15' high, with two 1/4-wave radials six-feet high, bent to fit in 
my yard, I worked 77 countries, including ZL8X. Needless to say, the 
antenna works better than I ever imagined.

As for receive antennas, DXCC would be a lot closer now if I had a 
decent receive antenna last season, which is crucial on 160. So, if you 
have the room definitely put up a Beverege or two. And if you don't go 
with a Beverege, plan on an alternative receive antenna. Like the old 
saying goes; "you have to hear 'em to work 'em." Nothing's more 
frustrating than hearing guys work a DX station that's in and out of the 
noise, knowing you could possibly work him too if you could only hear 
him just a little better. That happened to me many times last winter and 
it's why the off-season antenna work here is focused on installing a 
couple of receive loops.

Welcome to 160 and good luck this season.


Jack   K2RS

On 9/5/2011 11:21 AM, Price Smith wrote:
> Mike,
> I have to agree with Tree.
> A vertical antenna is the way to go. With your trees, an Inverted L would be
> a great transmit antenna.
> I would also recommend that you get a copy of "Low Band DXing" bu John
> Devoldere ON4UN. It is available
> > From the ARRL. Great source of information.
> 73 de
> Price,  W0RI   Near St. Louis  160 DXCC 180 countries
> _______________________________________________
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