September 2011 Archives by author
Starting: Thu Sep 1 06:57:33 PDT 2011
Ending: Thu Sep 29 04:04:42 PDT 2011
Messages: 144
- Topband: 160 meter TX antenna
Fred Bennett
- Topband: Newbie Antenna Question (long)
Jim Bennett
- Topband: Radio Antenna Engineering - Laport
- Topband: Fence "ground screen" instead of wire radials?
Jim Brown
- Topband: Is the beverage working, asked the newbie to 160?
Jim Brown
- Topband: New entry to TopBand with antenna question
Jim Brown
- Topband: Newbie Antenna Question (long)
Jim Brown
- Topband: New entry to TopBand with antenna question
Jim Brown
- Topband: Fence "ground screen" instead of wire radials?
Jim Brown
- Topband: Fence "ground screen" instead of wire radials?
Jim Brown
- Topband: Fence "ground screen" instead of wire radials?
Jim Brown
- Topband: 4W6A
Jim Brown
- Topband: Effect of current max not at base of vertical.
Jim Brown
- Topband: New entry to TopBand with antenna question
- Topband: New entry to TopBand with antenna question
Jorge Diez - CX6VM
- Topband: 4W6A
Jorge Diez - CX6VM
- Topband: 4W6A
Jorge Diez - CX6VM
- Topband: New entry to TopBand with antenna question
Michael G. Carper
- Topband: New entry to TopBand with antenna question
Michael G. Carper
- Topband: New entry to TopBand with antenna question
Michael G. Carper
- Topband: New entry to TopBand with antenna question
- Topband: New entry to TopBand with antenna question
Chortek, Robert L
- Topband: Antenna Matching Question
Phil Clements
- Topband: Effect of current max not at base of vertical.
- Topband: Effect of current max not at base of vertical.
Richard Fry
- Topband: HOWTO connect the TS-590S to the SDR-IQ receiver
Ian Wade G3NRW
- Topband: Antenna Matching Question
Clive GM3POI
- Topband: Effect of current max not at base of vertical.
- Topband: For Sale KD9SV 160 M Receiver Antenna Preamp
Thomas F. Giella
- Topband: F.S. KD9SV Transceiver Front End Protector With Rig To Amp Interface Buffer
Thomas F. Giella
- Topband: 4W6A
Steve HA0DU
- Topband: Termination resistor for 160-80- Pennant antenna (Receiveonly)
- Topband: 4W6A
Kev Haworth
- Topband: 4W6A
Kev Haworth
- Topband: Termination resistor for 160-80- Pennant antenna (Receiveonly)
- Topband: New entry to TopBand with antenna question
Joe Subich, W4TV
- Topband: Topband Digest, Vol 105, Issue 29
- Topband: Top band Receiving antennas
John Harden, D.M.D.
- Topband: Beacons
Calle Jonsson
- Topband: Fence "ground screen" instead of wire radials?
Guy Olinger K2AV
- Topband: New entry to TopBand with antenna question
Guy Olinger K2AV
- Topband: New entry to TopBand with antenna question
Guy Olinger K2AV
- Topband: Fence "ground screen" instead of wire radials?
Guy Olinger K2AV
- Topband: BCB interference on 160
Guy Olinger K2AV
- Topband: Band is back in NC
Guy Olinger K2AV
- Topband: Effect of current max not at base of vertical.
Guy Olinger K2AV
- Topband: Effect of current max not at base of vertical.
Guy Olinger K2AV
- Topband: Effect of current max not at base of vertical.
Guy Olinger K2AV
- Topband: Effect of current max not at base of vertical.
Guy Olinger K2AV
- Topband: Effect of current max not at base of vertical.
Guy Olinger K2AV
- Topband: Effect of current max not at base of vertical.
Guy Olinger K2AV
- Topband: Effect of current max not at base of vertical.
Guy Olinger K2AV
- Topband: Effect of current max not at base of vertical.
Guy Olinger K2AV
- Topband: New entry to TopBand with antenna question
- Topband: New entry to TopBand with antenna question
- Topband: K9AY
- Topband: Fence "ground screen" instead of wire radials?
Gary K9GS
- Topband: Fence "ground screen" instead of wire radials?
Gary K9GS
- Topband: 4W6A
Gary K9GS
- Topband: BCB interference on 160
Richard (Rick) Karlquist
- Topband: BCB interference on 160
Richard (Rick) Karlquist
- Topband: Effect of current max not at base of vertical.
Richard (Rick) Karlquist
- Topband: Effect of current max not at base of vertical.
Richard (Rick) Karlquist
- Topband: Antenna Matching Question
Rick Karlquist
- Topband: BCB interference on 160
Rick Karlquist
- Topband: Options for a Condo
Nand Kishore
- Topband: coax cable counterpoise
Bob Kupps
- Topband: tower vertical
Bob Kupps
- Topband: Termination resistor for 160-80- Pennant antenna (Receiveonly)
Hardy Landskov
- Topband: Effect of current max not at base of vertical.
Hardy Landskov
- Topband: Is the beverage working, asked the newbie to 160?
Mark Lunday
- Topband: Fence "ground screen" instead of wire radials?
Brian Machesney
- Topband: Fence "ground screen" instead of wire radials?
Brian Machesney
- Topband: K9AY
- Topband: K9AY Antenna
- Topband: Topband Digest, Vol 105, Issue 16
Brian Miller
- Topband: Is the beverage working, asked the newbie to 160?
Brendan Minish
- Topband: Fence "ground screen" instead of wire radials?
Charles Moizeau
- Topband: Fence "ground screen" instead of wire radials?
Charles Moizeau
- Topband: Effect of current max not at base of vertical.
Charles Moizeau
- Topband: Effect of current max not at base of vertical.
Dan Zimmerman N3OX
- Topband: Effect of current max not at base of vertical.
Milt -- N5IA
- Topband: Receiving +1
Petr Ourednik
- Topband: Receiving
David Raymond
- Topband: 4W6A on Topband
David Raymond
- Topband: 160 meter TX antenna
Rik van Riel
- Topband: Newbie Antenna Question (long)
Rik van Riel
- Topband: Effect of current max not at base of vertical.
Rik van Riel
- Topband: Upcoming QRP ARCI Fall QSO Party
James Rodenkirch
- Topband: Upcoming QRP ARCI Fall QSO Party announcement at the QRP ARCI web site
James Rodenkirch
- Topband: Info on logging s/w that support QRP ARCI contests
James Rodenkirch
- Topband: A reminder about two upcoming contests where support from the larger Ham community would be appreciated
James Rodenkirch
- Topband: Slight changes to the summary sheet input for the upcoming QRP ARCI Fall QSO Party
James Rodenkirch
- Topband: A HUGE thank you to Jeff Hetherington, VA3JFF
James Rodenkirch
- Topband: Radio Antenna Engineering - Laport
- Topband: Fence "ground screen" instead of wire radials?
Herb Schoenbohm
- Topband: Perimeter Elevated Ground System Wire?
Herb Schoenbohm
- Topband: Options for a Condo
Herb Schoenbohm
- Topband: New entry to TopBand with antenna question
Herb Schoenbohm
- Topband: Effect of current max not at base of vertical.
Herb Schoenbohm
- Topband: Effect of current max not at base of vertical.
Herb Schoenbohm
- Topband: Beacons
Merv Schweigert
- Topband: 4W6A
Merv Schweigert
- Topband: 2011 Topband most-wanted survey
Garry Shapiro
- Topband: Effect of current max not at base of vertical.
Mike & Coreen Smith
- Topband: New entry to TopBand with antenna question
Price Smith
- Topband: Topband Digest, Vol 105, Issue 29
Price Smith
- Topband: Effect of current max not at base of vertical.
Rick Stealey
- Topband: New entry to TopBand with antenna question
- Topband: Receiving
- Topband: Fence "ground screen" instead of wire radials?
- Topband: Effect of current max not at base of vertical.
Pete W2PM
- Topband: Effect of current max not at base of vertical
Pete W2PM
- Topband: New entry to TopBand with antenna question
Mike Waters
- Topband: Effect of current max not at base of vertical.
Mike Waters
- Topband: Antenna Matching Question
Bill Wichers
- Topband: Eddy Wines - Sumptuous Chardonnay
Eddy Wines
- Topband: Antenna Matching Question
- Topband: Fence "ground screen" instead of wire radials?
- Topband: New entry to TopBand with antenna question
- Topband: Newbie Antenna Question (long)
- Topband: New entry to TopBand with antenna question
- Topband: Fence "ground screen" instead of wire radials?
- Topband: Fence "ground screen" instead of wire radials?
- Topband: BCB interference on 160
- Topband: Effect of current max not at base of vertical.
- Topband: Effect of current max not at base of vertical.
- Topband: Effect of current max not at base of vertical.
- Topband: Perimeter Elevated Ground System Wire?
PaulKB8N at
- Topband: RDF
W7lr at
- Topband: Effect of current max not at base of vertical
W9UCW at
- Topband: Fence "ground screen" instead of wire radials? (Gary K9GS)
lrpmbt at
- Topband: Receiving
hodgson at
- Topband: BCB interference on 160
rick darwicki
- Topband: Loop problem - Solved, well maybe
rick darwicki
- Topband: Termination resistor for 160-80- Pennant antenna (Receive only)
allan1 at
- Topband: Termination resistor for Pennant
allan1 at
- Topband: 4W6A
- Topband: Another topband ax challenge! - Small plot, low height
simon at
- Topband: Termination resistor for 160-80- Pennant antenna (Receive only)
wb6rse1 at
- Topband: 4W6A
- Topband: Antenna Matching Question
donovanf at
- Topband: New entry to TopBand with antenna question
donovanf at
- Topband: Fence "ground screen" instead of wire radials?
k8gg at
Last message date:
Thu Sep 29 04:04:42 PDT 2011
Archived on: Thu Sep 29 05:45:44 PDT 2011
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Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).