Topband: New entry to TopBand with antenna question

donovanf at donovanf at
Tue Sep 6 01:57:30 PDT 2011

The November CQ WW CW DX Contest is the best weekend of the season for 160 meter DX activity, several U.S. stations have worked 100 countries on 160 meters in a single weekend in that one.  The CQ WW SSB DX Contest next month also has excellent 160 meter DX activity.  The CQ WW DX contests also have much less QRM than the 160 meter contests. 


---- Original message ----
>Date: Mon, 05 Sep 2011 18:07:53 -0500
>From: K4SAV <RadioIR at>  
>Subject: Re: Topband: New entry to TopBand with antenna question  
>To: topband at
>Jim Brown wrote:
>> That's a very ambitious objective.  It took me three seasons to do it 
>> when I moved from Chicago to CA,  and two more years to get the 
>> confirmations.  It's much easier from W9 than from W6, but it's still 
>> very ambitious.  I'm using an 86 ft Tee vertical (see below) with 70+ 
>> radials, Beverages for four directions, and 1.5kW.
>DXCC on 160 in two years from 9 land isn't an unreasonable goal.  Start 
>with one the 160 meter contests and that should start you off with about 
>40-60 if you look for the DX stations.  At the end of one year I had 135 
>with a 45 ft high inverted L (from Alabama).  However those weren't 
>confirmed in that length of time.  I have high power and a good 
>receiving antenna. It's tougher for the 6 land guys though.
>Jerry, K4SAV
>UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK

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