Topband: Effect of current max not at base of vertical.

Rick Stealey rstealey at
Mon Sep 19 09:45:53 PDT 2011

Milt says:
 > Yet we all know from experience that the WWV radiation performance 
> is excellent.

I see N6RK has addressed this statement in his response as well, but I would like to add that this kind of statement is often heard on the air, "That antenna of yours there is doing a FB job for you."
I always think, "How do you know? Maybe his antenna is working horribly.  Maybe the owner has water in his coax, and a resultant 10 db of loss, but the propagation just happens to be favorable and he is really putting a smashing signal into your QTH in spite of his 10 db loss."  Turn the thought process around a bit, and ask ANY ham you talk to how he likes his antenna, how's it working for him?  Invariably he will tell you it works great, he loves it.  Ask him how he knows it is working great and he will tell you, "Because of all the stations I work, who tell me what a great signal I have!!!'  Think about it.

Rick  K2XT


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