Topband: Effect of current max not at base of vertical.

Richard (Rick) Karlquist richard at
Wed Sep 21 09:17:53 PDT 2011

On 9/20/2011 2:17 PM, Guy Olinger K2AV wrote:
> I share the frustration over the very minimal amount of data out there.
> However...
> Erection of a 260 foot vertical in a testing environment fairly well
> requires the facilities of a large antenna range to do the comparisons
> below.  Thus we are also talking about money, and we are talking about a
> subject where all the pressing *commercial *questions have been answered for
> nearly a century.  We are also talking about research that was done 1920 to
> 1940, well outside the time of electronic media and as far as I can tell
> never converted, again an expensive task with no commercial or government
> money to pay for grad students digging it up and putting it on the internet.
>   How would one justify the grant money?
> Besides that, who do you know putting up a 260 foot vertical?  Why are we
> even talking about that?  W8JI has done that.  He would :>)    Who else?
> Does Warren Buffet have a ham license?  How does a 260 foot vertical stack

Nonsense.  For research purposes, just put up a balloon vertical on a 
calm day in some remote area.  Set up a transmit source a mile away and
compare received signal strength vs height.  Temporarily roll out some 
radials.  I could do this test at my own QTH of 20 acres and I'm no
Warren Buffett (land is cheap where I am).  I could test the balloon
vertical over my big ground screen and then move it away from the ground
screen and retest.  Maybe someday when I have the time...

BTW, the complete Proceedings of the IRE back to before 1920 are
online at the IEEE now.  Laporte's book is now available as a pdf.

Rick N6RK

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