Topband: Upcoming QRP ARCI Fall QSO Party

James Rodenkirch rodenkirch_llc at
Fri Sep 23 11:44:22 PDT 2011

G'day all:  The Fall QSO Party, hosted by QRP ARCI, is just around the corner - from 1200Z 15 October till 2400Z 16 October.  

This is a great QRP contest with plenty of categories to choose from.....more info will be provided by the latter part of next week (contest info will be provided at the QRP ARCI website as well) but I wanted all to know this contest is almost upon us so get those antennas retuned, if necessary, check those radial connections and blow the dust out of those rigs, if necessary!

Participation, on average, runs around 100 stations or so --- gosh, with 14,000 plus QRP ARCI membership numbers and, assuming 50% are truly active at times over the course of a calendar year, it would seem like the number of entries could be higher than that.......give some consideration to participating as it's a fun event and earning a certificate for the category of interest is always worth sumpin' PLUS the certificates look awfully nice.
I know this isn't a top band contest - there is a QRP Top Band contest in December and I encourage you to consider participating in that one as there are more QRP faithful on Top Band than you might think - but participation is encouraged AND there is a low band category entry (160, 80 and 40) that might whet your appetitie to participate.
Hope to hear and work you in the Fall QSO Party.  72, de Jim Rodenkirch, K9JWV


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