Topband: Beacons

Merv Schweigert k9fd at
Mon Sep 12 08:45:47 PDT 2011

I am starting to listen on 160 at my sunrise as conditions here are 
like the band is opening up.   QRN levels are down the past few days and
for two mornings now I am hearing  beacons that seem to be new.

There are a set of at least 6 beacons spaced about 1.5khz apart from
1809.9 up to 1816.5 wondering if these are the Russian navigation
beacons?  If so I have did not hear those in the past two years.
I have heard them in past but only under very good conditions.
These put out a sound almost like a -.  -.  -.

Also this morning there is a like sounding set of beacons closer spaced
and at least  8 of them down at the low end of the band starting
around 1800 and up to 1806 or so,  these are closer spaced and not
as strong,  QSB on them at different times than the 1809 beacons so
not the same locations.
These put out a beep beep beep type sound.

My noise level this morning is S3,  thats on the transmit vertical so it is
a very quiet band and conditions are good, 1515Z,  yesterday copied
them  until after sunrise at 1615Z
73 Merv K9FD/KH6

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