Topband: BCB interference on 160

Guy Olinger K2AV olinger at
Wed Sep 14 16:20:48 PDT 2011

The problem would be that you need to trap out the BC signals BEFORE they
reach the tuning diodes.  In the good ole days with signals that were no
more powerful than now, a small antenna, a coil, capacitor, and a diode
would produce enough rectified audio to drive a pair of headsets WITHOUT any
amplification whatsoever. So there is plenty of RF to intermodulate two BC
signals on a tuning diode, even if the IM is 60 or 70 dB down.  73, Guy.

On Tue, Sep 13, 2011 at 10:42 PM, rick darwicki <n6pe at> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I recently built a sheilded RX loop for 160 per N6RKs Contest Jouranal
> artical. It is diode tuned and covers about 1.5-4 mhz. I am hearing two AM
> radio stations on 1830 khz.
> They are 640 and 1190 combined. 640 is a 50KW station about 12 miles east
> and 1190 runs about 1.5 kw at night.
> The anetnna is all sealed up and on the roof. I would like to cure the
> problem without changing to back to back tuning diodes.
> I'm thinking a series trap tuned to 1190 or 640 or both. Maybe a high pass
> filter.
> Any suggestions? I can built it, I don't want to spent $200 for the W3s
> highpass hi hi
> Thanks,
> Rick, N6PE
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> If I agreed with you we'd both be wrong.
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