Topband: 9M0L

Steve London n2icarrl at
Tue Apr 17 11:27:07 PDT 2012

Sorry, Herb. Your VK6HD counterexample doesn't quite cut it:

VH6HD sunset: 0953Z : 9 minutes of common darkness ("twilight")
9M0L sunset: 1033Z  : -31 minutes of common darkness ("full sun")

I hope they do get on 30+ minutes before their local sunset. But I suspect you 
will still be disappointed.

Steve, N2IC

On 04/17/2012 12:13 PM, Herb Schoenbohm wrote:
> Steve,
> In all due respects: Common twilight is great for 160 meter DX
> especially over the SSW path wherein the path hugs the Greyline.  In
> fact there are very excellent peaks during this short window.  I have
> done this many many times with VK6HD  and it works even at this time of
> year.  VK6HD is about 1000 miles further with the same bearing of 182
> degrees during my sunrise.  The opening is short but awesome when it
> occurs.  One will never see it 30 minutes after the peak.  You asked
> "What do I want them to do?" Answer: Just get on a bit earlier and work
> the Caribbean area.
> Herb, KV4FZ
> On 4/17/2012 1:34 PM, Steve London wrote:
>> Herb,
>> You simply have no common darkness with 9M0L this time of year.
>> KV4 sunrise: 1002Z
>> 9M0L sunset: 1033Z
>> KV4 sunset: 2236Z
>> 9M0L sunrise: 2211Z
>> What do you want them to do ? Change the declination of the earth's axis ?
>> This is no different than the Kerguelen DXpedition a few years back. Those of us
>> in New Mexico (and Texas) had no common darkness, and were shut out on 80 and 160.
>> 73,
>> Steve, N2IC
>> On 04/17/2012 11:11 AM, Herb Schoenbohm wrote:
>>> Great!  Yet Another Pacific DX-pedition that comes on TB 30 minutes
>>> after my sunrise in the Eastern Caribbean.
>>> I lost even a chance for 4 new ones this season because of the operators
>>> in the Pacific DX-peditions refusal to look at my Grey Line and
>>> concentrate on NA big guns.  Oh well.
>>> Herb, KV4FZ
>>> St. Croix United States Virgin Islands
>>> On 4/17/2012 9:37 AM, Mike Greenway wrote:
>>>> We will pick up NA around 1826 today and will transmit 1811 after our SS 1033U
>>>> TC. We worked 100 EUs but very few NA.
>>>> Please forward this message to Top Band Archives for US Top Banders.
>>>> Joe JA1LZR Spratly

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