Topband: Patience in ARRL 160 Contest

Augie "Gus" Hansen augie.hansen at
Tue Dec 4 10:02:35 EST 2012

Hi Jim,

> as in "CQ TEST KB0YH", with about a 1-2 second loop delay.
> I have NEVER found a CQ repeat interfal less than 2.5 seconds to be
> adequate to actually LISTEN for callers, and I often use 3 seconds.

You're right. I wasn't near the radio last night so I guessed at my 
delay setting. I just checked my K3 MSG RPT setting and was surprised to 
see 3 seconds. I have used 2 seconds at times, but did find it to be a 
bit too short.

> I strongly agree with the need to keep CQs short.  I always have three
> CQs programmed. The shortest, automatic on F1, is "TEST K9YC" The next
> is "CQ TEST K9YC,"   and the longest is "CQ TEST K9YC K9YC."   I start
> with the shortest, then the middle one, then the longer one when things
> are slow and I need to beat the bushes.

Good idea. I'll try that next time.

73, Gus KB0YH

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